State management in flutter

State management is a crucial aspect of building any application, and Flutter offers several options for managing the state of the user interface. State management in Flutter refers to the process of managing the state of the widgets that make up the user interface, including data, properties, and events. In this blog post, we'll explore the different state management techniques available in Flutter and how to choose the right one for your application.

Stateful Widgets:

The simplest way to manage state in Flutter is through Stateful Widgets. A Stateful Widget is a widget that has mutable state, meaning its state can change during runtime. When the state of a Stateful Widget changes, the widget is rebuilt, and the new state is displayed. This technique is ideal for managing small amounts of state that only affect the widget that holds the state.

Inherited Widget:

Another option for managing state in Flutter is through Inherited Widgets. An Inherited Widget is a widget that passes data down the widget tree to its children. Inherited Widgets are useful when multiple widgets need to access the same data, as it avoids the need to pass data down the widget tree manually. The data can be accessed using the BuildContext passed down to each widget, making it easy to access the data from any part of the widget tree.


Provider is a state management library that simplifies the process of passing data down the widget tree. Provider allows widgets to access data without the need for passing it down the widget tree manually, similar to Inherited Widget. However, Provider also provides additional features such as automatic rebuilding of dependent widgets when the data changes. Provider uses the concept of "ChangeNotifier" to notify widgets of changes to the data, making it easy to update the UI when the data changes.


BLoC (Business Logic Component) is a state management pattern that separates the business logic from the user interface. BLoC uses streams to manage state and allows for separation of concerns, making it easier to maintain and test. BLoC is ideal for managing complex state and logic that spans multiple widgets. BLoC provides a clear separation between the UI and business logic, making it easy to change the UI without affecting the business logic.

Choosing the right state management technique depends on the specific needs of your application. For small, simple applications, Stateful Widgets or Inherited Widgets may be sufficient. For larger, more complex applications, Provider or BLoC may be a better choice.